2022 Personal Project
I'm kicking off my year by starting a personal project that I've long wanted to make: a postage stamp quilt! This sounds like a modest goal, and it is, but I know that it's not the type of quilt I can make start to finish - I'll get bored cutting squares and need to do something a little more challenging. But it also seems like a great leaders and enders project and I made the first block this morning:
- No black or low volume fabrics. I want this to be colorful!
- Use solids! My solid scraps always get left out of scrappy projects and they are getting out of control. This time they are being included!
- Fabrics can be used more than once - no stressing that each square is unique. I'm planning on having 3,575 squares in this quilt - there are going to be repeats!
- The project ends on January 1, 2023. Even if it's not as big as I had hoped, that's the end date.
That's it. I'm hoping to end up with a full-size quilt at the end of the year. Any time I'm cutting fabric, I'll cut my scraps into 2" squares and throw them in a box to be included in this quilt. Any scrap that I come across that is less than 2" can be thrown in the trash (can be - if I really like it, I'll still keep it). I'm hoping to clear out my scrap bins and keep them from growing too much!
I'm adding this to my 2022 goal blog post and will be sharing updates on my progress in my monthly recap posts. I'm excited to see where this goes!