Under the Sea: Year-End Update

I started the year with grand FPP plans: I would finish up the Rainbow Blossom FPP quilt that I started back in January 2019 and then immediately start work on the new Under the Sea FPP quilt.

Part one of this goal went great; the Rainbow Blossom quilt was finished in January and even used one of the filler blocks from the Under the Sea quilt to tie the two quilts together!

Once that was done, I got to work on the Under the Sea quilt.  This was a six-month quilt-along with two new patterns a month, but I decided to make it a year-long quilt-along, piecing one block a month starting in February.  I figured I would make a double block one month and everything would work itself out.  So much new year optimism!  I did start the quilt in February, and today I'm sharing my full progress for the end of the year: seven out of twelve blocks.

I didn't set off to neglect the third column of this quilt, so it made my chuckle when I put this outline together and there wasn't a single block there.  I'd also like to point out that all the blocks have the same background fabric, so the fact that it looks different in each picture is just a reminder of how different lighting can affect your photos.  I also have yet to make a shell block to be included in this quilt, but I do have a plan for my final layout.

Overall, I'm not too disappointed with my progress on this quilt-along.  The blocks take a long time to make and I am over halfway done in just under a year.  The Rainbow Blossom quilt took four years to complete, so finishing this by next year would be a huge improvement!
