Pebbled Prairie QAL Week 3: Color B

Welcome to Week 3 of the Pebbled Prairie Quilt-Along

This week was a little more work because I didn't have my fabrics pre-cut, but I had fun choosing my fabrics.  My color B is "pink" but since I'm working all from stash and only with my Ruby Star fabrics, I used whatever was close, just like with the yellows.  Some are a little more peachy and one is a little more gray, but overall it's a good mix of pinky fabrics.  The corner square of each block is the same pink fabric, but I used sixteen different fabrics for the rest of the ring in each of the larger squares.

My goal this week is "randomization".  If you look closely at the two versions of Pebbled Prairie in the QAL graphic, you can see that I laid out my fabrics in a pattern.  This time I really stretched myself to not do that.  I alternated whether a single fabric was placed horizontally or vertically in each block, but other than that I placed them at will.

It looks very random to me!  Do you spy any old favorites in my quilt so far?  I'm looking forward to diving into the blues and teals next week to finish the blocks.  I only have one tip this week: always sew the square fabric patch first.  This eliminates the "which end did I want that square on again?" step of piecing your block together.  Reference photos help, but if you sew the square first it's obvious where the other rectangle goes!

Let me know what you like better, the random placement or the ordered pattern.  Remember to tag me @bluepipdesigns on Instagram when you post your progress to make sure I see it!  Still need a copy of the pattern?  It's available in my pattern shop now!
