Temperature Quilt Kick-Off

I really enjoyed making my September Squares mini-quilt last fall and I wanted to do something similar in 2018, but on a larger scale.  And then, like all the best things, the perfect solution just fell into my lap.  I was reading the newsletter that Sarah from Sarah Goer Quilts sent out last week and one of her links was to Colorful Om's Temperature Quilt 2018 Quilt Along.  I knew immediately that it was exactly what I was looking for!

It took me a couple of days to decide exactly how I wanted to do it, but I finally came up with some guidelines for myself:
1. I decided to do square-in-a-square blocks, with the center square representing the high temperature for the day, and the outer square representing the low temperature.
2. I wanted to do this as a scrappy quilt from my stash.
3. The outer square is a solid.  I have a lot of solids left over from various projects and I tried to pick out the largest pieces that are the right color.  If I run out of a color, I'm going to try and convince myself to just pick the closest color I have in my stash and keep going.  I might not be successful at this.
4. The inner square is a print that fits the color scheme and my mood.  It's fine to use the same fabric more that once and also fine to switch it up.

I spent the last two days catching up and I've got the first ten days of January done.  I'm already loving some of the fun color combinations of my squares, some of which I never would have normally picked!

The color graph on the side is to keep me organized with the solids I've chosen.  We haven't had any low temperatures above 33 so purple is as far as I need to go right now.  I'll add more when it warms up!  When the quilt is done I will incorporate this into my quilt label.  I'm planning on a 18x20 layout, which means the last five blocks of the year will also be part of my quilt label - 365 doesn't really divide up into a nice grid.

My goal is to make two blocks every other day (the way these are assembled, it is easier to make them in pairs) and post an update at the end of each month - hopefully this keeps me on track!
