
Showing posts from May, 2024

2024 Monthly Recap: May

The last full month of the school year is always a little bittersweet, and this year is a big one: my youngest is finishing up elementary school, the middle is finishing middle school, and the oldest is getting his driver's license next week. That's a lot of big changes! Obviously at their ages they don't need  me to supervise them closely, but they are a lot of fun and I like hanging out with them so I take advantage of as much time as they will give me. If you guessed that this means I was trying to wrap things up before the summer you'd be wrong: I started three quilts (and finished one) and two cross-stitch projects. Now I have lots of fun things to work on! Quilt Tally WIP List at beginning of month: 10 WIP List at end of month: 12 Untouched in 2024: 4 Active QAL Projects: 2 Quilts Finished Baby Sloth Quilt (May 2024) Quilts Started Fado Road  - My newest personal project now that the Solids HST quilt is done. Fun fact: this is the first

Kona Solids HST Challenge Quilt

This quilt has a mouthful of a name! I tend to either call my quilts by the pattern name or a descriptive element in them, and this time it just happens to be a long one.  My eye was drawn to the bold half-square triangle (HST) border and it was a challenge because I made the whole thing from the solids in my stash! This is a free pattern from Robert Kaufman  by Elise Lea , written to feature many, many different shades of Kona solids.  I have a fairly large solids stash of leftover solids from various projects, so I got out my Kona color card and went to work finding the best possible match to each one.  They definitely aren't all Konas, but they do play well together to make this beautiful quilt. Oddly enough, for being the part of the quilt that attracted me the most, the border is what gave me the most trouble.  I pieced the quilt top entirely in the month of February, but it took me all of March to make the borders.  Unlike the main body, exact colors weren't given, just i