Happy First Day of School!

I'm still in full "clean-up old projects" mode, and I have another success story to share!  In addition to the two finished quilt tops that got moved to the quilting stage, I also found the Christmas quilt that my son and I were working on last winter.  As of July 2018, we had the center and the top and bottom borders on, plus all the elements for the left and right pieced borders made.  However, being a kid he had lost interest and refused to work on it again.

With only two weeks left before school started, I challenged him to finish his top before starting 6th grade.  This was a stretch because he had a long weekend with his grandparents planned, but with a little Labor Day push we were able to get the top done!

Next up is piecing the back and sending it out for quilting.  I will do the hand-binding for him, so there's no reason this shouldn't be finished by Thanksgiving!
