Forgotten Fat Quarter - Caught Up!

Today I'm checking in with the result of my July OMG goal - putting the missing rows of my Forgotten Fat Quarter quilt put together!  At the beginning of the month, I was two months behind and knew that a third would be coming soon.  I decided to do the rows in the order that they were released.

First up was the yellow row called Around the Corner.  I used my biggest chunk of yellow fabric, which coincidentally was the leftover yellow fabric from the centers of all my Sunstar blocks!  Unfortunately, this still wasn't enough to do the row as written, but I still caught the spirit of it (half-circles) and I think I like my own layout just a little bit better.

Next was a teal row called Mown Grass.  My gray fabric looks like it's just textured at a distance, but up close you can actually see it's tiny scissors!

The final row is called Cross Stitch.  The gray fabric in the big Xs reminds me of Aida cloth which is what I use in my cross-stitch.  The tiny diamonds are a different fabric because they are technically a different block.  I'm going to have to do at least one two-gray block in the bottom half of the quilt - you can see there are three in the top section!

I still have two "floating rows" that aren't attached, but it looks like a whole quilt already!

I'm linking up the successful finish of my goal at Elm Street Quilts.


Patty said…
Very nice! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.