2022 Monthly Recap: July
July was one of those months where it looked like I accomplished a lot, but in reality so much is close to being done that a little bit of work looks impressive! Being so close to the end of projects certainly inspires me to get sewing and finish them, even as I look forward to officially starting my next quilt-along tomorrow. Quilt Tally WIP List at beginning of month: 13 WIP List at end of month: 12 Untouched in 2022: 5 Active QAL Projects: 2 Quilts Finished One, Two, Tree (January 2022) Meeple Pillowcase (April 2022) Quilts Started 100 Days 100 Blocks 2022 - This annual quilt-along starts tomorrow, but I like to sew the blocks a day in advance so block one is already done. I'm looking forward to showing off this year's theme! If you'd like to join in, you can buy the pattern here and use my coupon code BLUEPIP for 10% off! Quilt Progress (6 WIPs touched) Harry Potter QOD - Harry's Firebolt is done! I modified the pattern slightly, making th...