2024 Q3 Goal Check-In

Good morning! It's the beginning of October and that means it is time to look back at my goals for the third quarter of the year. I only had two goals for Q3, and I'm happy to report that I achieved both of them!

Q3 Goal 1: Pattern Releases
I was working on two patterns at the end of Q2 and both are complete.  My Pebbled Prairie pattern is now available in both print and PDF form!  I wrote this pattern at the beginning of the year and then delayed it because of a design concern.  This has been addressed and it's now out in the world for everyone to enjoy.

I love my Halloween version of the quilt, but I realize that that's not the most practical choice for marketing the quilt year-round.  My other quilt samples were made with the original pattern design so they aren't usable for promoting it; as a result, I'm planning on spending October making another quilt in a less-seasonal color palette.  I'm running a quilt-along for anyone who would like sew along with me - cutting starts tomorrow!

I also finished the monthly pattern releases I was doing with a partner for my quilt guild.  She wrote instructions for a traditional block each month and I created a twist to each one and wrote that pattern.  It was a mix of traditional, FPP, and template sewing and a good chance to practice writing different types of patterns.  Here are the blocks I designed in a simple color scheme:

The collage is a little misleading because the blocks aren't all the same size; here they are in my actual quilt top version of the quilt.  Each row is made from the leftover fabric of a different quilt back and tied together with the use of a black fabric.

Once again, the Flyover pattern is getting pushed to the back burner as I have another idea that seems more interesting to me.  The new pattern is currently called "Space Parade" and I'm working on the initial quilt sample from my sketched mock-up now.

Q3 Goal 2: Lemon Blossom Quilt
I finished this quilt in an unconventional manner, but it is done!  I first did some straight-line quilting with black thread between the blocks and did some FMQ in the background and border.  I then put the binding on since the quilt was quilted in a grid overall and nothing could move around.  I finished by going back and quilting each individual "flower" with a matching thread color.  It was satisfying to finish the last FMQ section and instantly have a completed quilt!

Q3 - Other Accomplishments
I also finished three other quilt projects and a cross-stitch mini quilt in Q3, as well as my Christmas Memories quilt top, which is currently at the longarm quilter's.  It was a busy and productive quarter!

Shark Attack

Layer Cake Lily

Pebbled Prairie

Happy Haunting
Cross Stitch

So, what's on my mind for Q4?  A mix of business and personal sewing goals.

Q4 Goal 1: Finish one more Pebbled Prairie Quilt as part of the Pebbled Prairie QAL
This one is pretty self-explanatory.

Q4 Goal 2: Finish Space Parade test version and complete rough draft
Another self-explanatory one.  I'm hoping for a January release of this pattern, so this is really the bare minimum that needs to happen for that to even be a possibility.

Q4 Goal 3: Finish the Fado Road top
I was working on the Fado Road top fairly consistently until some projects with deadlines came along and I'd like to get back to it.

Q4 Goal 4: Finish last year's Advent Calendar project
Last year I started a project from the Sugaridoo Advent calendar, but my interest waned when it turned into an appliqué project.  I finished about 80% of the appliqué, but gave up at the end of January because I wasn't in the mood to do Christmas sewing anymore.  I'd like to have it finished in time for Christmas this year!

That's a lot of goals for what will probably be another quick three months so it's best to stop there for now!  Thank you to Yvonne at Quilting Jet Girl for hosting and to you for visiting and reading.  Happy Sewing!


How fun to get the binding on and then go back to finish the quilting - I bet it was a super satisfying to finish the quilting and realize it was all done. I'm glad you were able to make adjustments for the Pebbled Prairie pattern, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year. Thanks for linking up!